All the Pretty Bottles

All those lovely bottles tinkling, clinking and shining at me, winking at me. I can still see them in the grocery store aisles like hookers looking for a john to trick.

A ray of light broke through the clouds, shooting through the skylight of my local grocery megastore; rebounding off of the ordered bundles of glass and sparkle, individual waves of color danced off the backs of my eyes. Like a child on Christmas morning, I was drawn to these bottles not just because they are pretty and lined up in the perfectly stacked rows and columns of an enormous crystal, but because they always contained a variety of liquid adventures. People loved and lost, battles fought, laughter enjoyed and sadnesses that cut deeply into the soul of a human being. I could have chosen any other section to traverse on my way to get the eggs for my family’s breakfast this morning, but my route started with produce, the smells of citrus and the chill of wet refrigeration.  I really had no choice if I wanted to save time and steps to my ultimate destination. That’s always been my story and it’s one I’ll pull out of my memories to jest with myself.

Coming up to March, 2021, and a full year of being unable to trust my immune system to harmonize with the fact that we are all here (perhaps because I am not all there), I am feeling the advent of a time of reflection this morning over the three decades since alcohol cut me deeply, nearly stopping my heart’s ability to pump, much less giving a damn.

March and Saint Patrick’s Day are what I celebrate not because I am all about the Irish genes that course through my veins, but as an unintended consequence of that blood.  Another jest?  Perhaps.  But that blood or that jest led me to a dead end not once but twice in a single decade, the second time being purely of my own misdirection; the first being of my own misfortune. Unlike my Ukrainian cousins, I was driven to give up fighting twice as hard over failure as for righteousness.  The data had been slapping me in the face for some time that I was destined to die cold, alone and thought a fool;  I wanted none of these things and yet there I was fighting in war I did not start and could never win without first losing. I railed and wailed at my self-mocking victimization amidst a sea of apparent winners.  That all these winners seemed to be heralding the arrival of a new President, a man whose record and policies I deplored, only increased my bitter disdain for any concept of surrender. I was always out of step with my fellows, a fact that I took pride in until pride, itself, became my enemy.

I had no idea what was coming at my windshield at age 18, and driving like a maniac only guaranteed I would never make any sense of what would continue to stick, bounce or rebound off of my one ocular defense as I drove forward through the tule fog that was the life my mother had given me. Because of her and the madness she dropped squarely in the laps of her five children, I was more driven to understand than to be understood in the chaos that seemed to be flying at me from out of nowhere. But unlike Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, the only stigmata from which I suffered were those my beloved “Geppetto” granted me at birth.  The lies to myself and to the women who practically begged me to lie and be honest according to their preferred rhythm, these were the consequences of awakening to an adult life where my guide strings suddenly disappeared without ceremony or sacrament.  I did what all little boys do when given their first vehicle and a long downhill run to learn from: I floored it and came to a sudden, crashing halt on March 17th, 1991 at the age of 29.

Now I’ve opened up a little not-for-profit side business at the bottom of that “hill” and have watched men and women crash into that same abutment, as I did myself, thirty years ago.  Some come in too fast and don’t survive, some find another way to hit bottom owing to their superior “skill” at driving themselves insane with worry and control.  Pretending that they’re freely choosing to pistol whip themselves with liquor and sadness, the alienation of a culture that seeks for novelty at the expense of connecting with other human beings eats them alive from the inside to the out.  Then they either surrender and join Team Recovery, or they end up confined in some manner: jails, institutions or death.

I’ve thought about simply removing the abutment, as everyone does, but people seem to find other ways to complicate what really is a simple matter.  The simple matter is this: I cannot ask for one reality, and then its opposite, to come to pass at the same time.  I can hold the universe’s child at gun point all I care to, but that which is impossible to coexist does not budge. I can have one reality, and then another, but I cannot have the opposing state of mind or being in the same instant.  No matter how hard I try, I get this third reality that takes bastardized versions of the first two diametrically opposing states, places them in a blender and I end up with this daiquiri of organ damage and foul smelling intemperance that sends even regular, “moviegoers,” to the exits. 

But I did my part because, “Science.” Occam’s Razor suggested it was better to keep matters simple.  One problem against a backdrop of an apparent multitude of solutions.  Occam’s approach seemed impossibly simple-minded.  I posited, instead, that absolutely every other fool on the planet was conspiring against my happiness, and then my job was to come up with a moral and philosophical system which, if only they could choose to live according to its precepts, my problems might never have appeared in the first place.  And then I would take a drink and call it a day.

Alot of time was spent on my imaginary constructions and their necessary thought experiments.  I would become quite irritated by what I saw in operation about me compared to the idyllic possibilities of my hopes and dreams.  She would bring home a stranger in hopes that I would run away from her and end her problem with a better set of problems. And then I would take two drinks and call it a weekend.

My devotion to this project of bending space and time to my indomitable will would continue in spite of my hatred over her lack of loyalty to what I saw as a worthwhile effort. And then my two drinks would take two more and the arguments steeped in righteous sanctimony fumed for weeks at a time. 

Then my ire became about their lack of loyalty to my worthwhile pursuit of the ecstasy and euphoria of the near-death experience, whilst seeking to live life to its fullest expression of agony.  My drinking had then become a fuel that powered self-deception even as deceivers crowded in for a front row seat at a human train wreck. Even Science had somehow abandoned me at some prior Wye switch in my naked pursuit of a tumbler of frozen gin with the perfect twist of lime.

My needs had become incredibly simple as the walls that were defining the thoroughfares of my existence were becoming increasingly narrow.  I was waiting for the evenings to take out two large trash bags full of empty beer, gin and port wine bottles that I might conceal the tell-tale clinking that had become like the goodbye kisses of my many liquid lovers.  One bag a month had made me a playboy; one bag a week was turning me into a wretch resembling my dead relatives before they had finally passed.  The many problems of my ancestors were theirs to solve no more: it was now my one big problem that was looking for a seam to burst into a drama of filthy blood and Emergency Room nurses taking notes about where they never wanted their drinking and substance addictions to take them.

All those lovely bottles tinkling, clinking and shining at me, winking at me.  I can still see them in the grocery store aisles like hookers looking for a john to trick. My heart aches for them, wants to reach out and console them even while they plant a numbing stinger of sweet pain into my liver, into my gut, and I slowly lose my ability to care about where any of this is going.

“You talk about alcohol like it’s your lover, or something, Greg,” my baby sister said to me, her usual look of naive disdain punctuated by the childhood memory of an index finger under her chin, emphasizing my utter lack of subtlety.

“But she,” “but they,” “but when,” completely evaporated in that moment of timeless stillness.  A line had been crossed that I had installed long before my brother died of his dying embrace of liquor.  “I will not go there,” I said as an adolescent.

And yet, in that instant of uncanny awareness, I was on the opposite side of yet another line in the sand, and as naked as the day she pulled my pants down and laughed at my shriveled genitalia.  I was horrified, terrified, mortified, frozen and adrenalized all at the same time.  It was as if a bomb had gone off inside my brain and I was being driven with the fury and determination of a drowning man to get to shore.  I became a flurry of activity.  I entered a degree program to finish my Bachelor of Science in IT; I made pledges to reform to the deaf ears of those who did not know how determined and willful I could become.  And I did become willful.  Not even an aspirin would I take for an entire year.  My god, my universe, had dropped a gauntlet of challenge at my feet, and insulted me in the process by making my ability to love out to be someone else’s emotional bottom of misfortune.  These angels and agents of the apocalypse had no idea whom they were dealing with.  I did not have time to contemplate terror, bewilderment, frustration or despair any longer.  They were in my face and I needed to run as far and as fast as I could.

Meanwhile, my own father had no idea I even had a problem.  Nor did my estranged mother.  Nor did either of them care.  The stories they had told themselves in order to survive were stuck in the early 1960’s where two drunks struggled not to kill each other, or their children, and one of them was going into asylums on a fairly regular basis and coming out looking and sounding like a talking mannequin.  Ever been five years old and watched your own mother barely acknowledge you or her own existence as she mindlessly prepared a breakfast no one wanted to eat?  A few of us have, but not so many that our economy would think to produce an insurance policy for the children of mentally ill parents. We would just use our pay-outs to try and fix our parents, anyway, and that, as I learned much too late in the game to make a difference, would have been pouring money down the drain.  So I created my own little nest egg and used it to drink myself into oblivion.

I finished the most challenging parts of  my undergraduate degree program on time, for a change, and had pulled my grade point average up from the abysmal depths of B-level mediocrity to solid A-level arrogance.  The lot of my accusers could kiss my ass and do so right now.  In one year I had worked all thirteen of Bill and Bob’s Twelve Steps, more than once, and was now ready to present my shiny-bright countenance of achievement to the woman whom I had sworn allegiance, devotion and more than a few drops of precious bodily fluids.  How could she not be crazy about me?  I had done everything perfectly right!  I was ready!  Fire!  Aim!

She was having none of my new life.  My shiny, bright countenance was just another far-too-young  backside to her now.  So I disassembled the four poster bed of her youth she had installed in my bedroom, put it in my bought and paid for Mustang GT and dropped it off at her four-chimneyed ranch house (where only two of them were actually real), along with a number of Christmas gifts I had purchased for the two boys I was going to help her raise. Then the real disassembly and dissembling began.  I had six legs creeping all over her life and mine, but only had brains for two of them.  Some people need to hit bottom before they make major life changes, I preferred to have multiple bottoms during my first attempts at recovering what should have been at my feet all along. How dare her not stick to my plan for our lives!  Who did she think she was, an adult trying to end an 18 year marriage to someone who saw her like she saw me…or something?  Inquiring cockroaches needed to know.  Wanting was not enough.

The pain of my first Christmas alone, abandoned and betrayed was both terrifying and strange.  I could not let us go, she was pretending, really convincingly, that she could let me go, and a veil of coastal fog was slowly rising over a landscape where she would be nothing like the non-cohabitating partner I believed she had been before.  Before a Thanksgiving road trip to Colorado, before my Rocky Mountain High experience of being a complete, drunken, strutting ass in front of her, her sister and all their little children who had never met a bug about to strike a windshield at high speed.  John Denver would have been so proud; I was just like him: a daredevil with only a captive audience to both terrify and bore in equal measure.

It took two years to get my undergraduate degree and two more after that for the fog to completely lift around my coastal home.  I was beginning to see great beauty all around me that didn’t require my story of “Her” to intrude, but those I tried to replace her with ended up feeling like they were just extras in a movie about me trying to forget about her.  Perhaps that was because that was how I had treated them, a bear wiping my sore ass with soft, furry wildlife while dodging bullets from hunters who had long since had enough of me imposing my drama on their ability to make a dime from my nickel.  Times were getting tough in the business of applied Information Technology; they now needed two dimes and a nickel which could be found just about anywhere anyone could look.  I was coming to the conclusion that my herculean efforts at getting sober, cleaning up the wreckage of my past and moving on were going unappreciated.  I was learning how to use languages from a number of vendors to do statewide and nationwide statistical chores that could then be boxed and delivered by people earning a minimum wage.  I was conferring with important people, gathering facts, helping them decide what could and could not be done in the time allotted; so no one was going to treat me like common trash!  That was a job I was dead-set on reserving for myself.

And so, in my fourth year of sober recovery, my fifth without any high-performance “cigarettes,” I set out to tear myself apart looking for what was staring me in the mirror every morning.  Who was I, really, and what was my story?  Perhaps someone from the past, a hero from the 1960’s, could help.  A former Civil Rights leader had a father, Fred, who was among the first Caucasians to recognize that legally barring interracial marriage between black and white was the real crime resident outside our nation’s capitol.  Perhaps he could help, but I wanted to be absolutely certain the old version of myself was d-e-a-d.  So I coupled with a military woman and moved to Texas to be married and try forcing myself to accept the Conservatism and religion I had abandoned at age 19 to be my personal lord and savior.

It was a brief exercise in self-loathing.  If great failure produces great learning, I must have gained a knowledge windfall: within two years of crash landing in Texas, I had become financially bankrupt, discovered that we always attract where we are at internally and that I had been spiritually bankrupt for some time.  But none of these facts could I accept until many years after their occurrence. I was simply too ashamed to see what would have been obvious to even the most casual observer: if a person gets close to someone who is suicidal and then tries to save them, that someone will likely try to murder you.  To underscore that point, the news of the day in March, 1995, blared out from every radio in San Antonio that Selena — the Tejano/pop music phenomenon of the city and soon the country — had been killed by the president of her fan club.  But I simply could not allow the meaning of that information into my conscious mind. The shame at the sheer size and volume of my mistake was too great.  My own father had taken me, briefly, out of his will for fear that I was too irresponsible to be trusted with whatever money he would leave behind him at his death.  Of course I did not know this at the time, but I did find that out later. I was adrift and a heaving chest wound of shame and guilt over all the hard work I had done for over ten years, by this time, five years in and five years out of sobriety.  Just what, precisely, was the point of all this suffering?  Isn’t ten years enough for any field of study?

Apparently not. I was told by psychologists that I was mentally gifted.  I believed them; however, the ability to build a better mousetrap with which to imprison one’s self is not a particularly worthy use of one’s time. The “shit in your head” always gets the last say when you cannot accept that you are truly powerless over no-thing, and everything causing problems in your life are not things, but thoughts and mistaken beliefs.

I was at the tail end of another rebound relationship that had lasted 90 days longer than was reasonable and customary for me when I was introduced to another more anonymous hero of the 1960’s, a Viet Nam War veteran who had recently received his Masters Degree in counseling.  Alan was a bear of a man with a big smile and a penchant for annoying me by being late to our appointments.  I quickly learned that whatever shortcomings Alan might have had, the importance he had in my recovery and in my life was impossible to understate, and I nearly lost all that by being concerned about my recently acquired fixation with conservative “rules.”

Alan died at the end of 2020 of CoVid.  Thank you to all the dirty-handed, non-mask wearing troglodytes whom Alan treated with the equanimity and care you did not deserve.  His spirit was of God, but his body reflected decades of unreachable and untreated PTSD, a victim of survivor’s guilt after every last broken body of the hundreds he loaded into choppers trying to keep them whole; of every last rape and child abuse victim poured their souls before him to reflect only the best he could muster.  Alan was second only to Fred Rogers and Bob Keeshan on my personal heroes list.

Thank goodness for the strength to survive my ego’s countless attempts at making what should have been simple, complicated, and what should have been challenging, withering. Where that strength came from only the universe knows, but I do know that I can survive anything one day at a time when I believe my alternative to be on the path to further devastation and destruction.  If you want to make this about, “God as you understand God,” you are welcome to.  I certainly did.  But it could just as easily have been about, “us,” and what we can do together when we believe in and are guided by principles that are larger than just our own self-centered, survival-focused interests.

If there is any one, most tragic consequence of being an adult alcoholic survivor of childhood traumas it would be the lingering feeling that I do not deserve to be happy, no matter how hard I push back against my own circumstances.  Excellence does not matter when one’s own best efforts at untangling the mess of the lives of one’s parents, siblings, ancestors and one’s own self still result in the loss of those one holds precious and dear by the nature of being human.  But by this time in my journey, about 1997-99, I was willing to tear everything up for the sake of a simple, peaceful breath of fresh air.

I loved my mother dearly and held out hope for so very long, but the last time I saw her we slowly spun and unwound the panorama atop the Embarcadero of San Francisco. I could see the fatigue in her eyes.  I could feel her leaving me, leaving us.  So I did what I always did growing up, I became the clown.  I wanted to show her the school from which I graduated before we went South to Hugo’s Market in Palo Alto for our favorite meal of prime rib.

Anyone who knows how to get to the top of Fulton Street from the Embarcadero in San Francisco knows that it is a long haul around town.  I felt time was of the essence.

“What are you doing, Greg?”

“Hold on, Mom.  We are going to save some time here.”

“You’re so crazy, Greg!”  She giggled with glee as I pointed my rental car up Lombard Street the wrong way.  The city fathers advised 5 to 10 mph for this most treacherous descent, but that’s when you’re using the road as it was intended.  40 to 45 mph is necessary when the threat of oncoming traffic haunts your every turn travelling up their “Crookedest Road in the World.”

We saved 15 or 20 minutes travel time with my 30 second detour, just enough to see the city skyline from atop one of its seven hills before the fog rolled in and made July feel like January.  She had her smoke break looking down on St. Ignatius Cathedral and behind us at the Golden Gate Bridge.  I became a college graduate at this place, accidently pissing off at least one valedictorian as I lunged out towards the altar of the church, crossed myself and went to pick up my diploma.  My GPA was only 3.8, overall, but it was 4.0 at this institution, so, I thought it better to ask for forgiveness than permission.  I guess.  I don’t know.  I was so embarrassed.  I put on a brave face like I always used to when I’d done something stupid or thoughtless, and I did it again on this day after two years recovery and now six years watching my mother fade into the fog and cigarette smoke that had consumed much of, and finally all of, her life.  I could have cried then, but I chose denial.  I guess it aided my digestion since prime rib was on the menu.

I finished that trip back home and gave the insurance company what it needed to close out the workman’s compensation case with me.  They claimed 20% disability, swore they’d never pay for the back surgery I might one day require, so I took the money and banked it.  It turns out that I would need it for “other” issues.

Walking past a hedgerow of reds and greens as I did on many days heading into work, I was startled by a sudden burst of iridescent black swallowtails who had been resting there, perhaps overnight, on an August morning.  They frittered away into the air and my heart reminded me of a painting my mother had tried to execute of a single swallowtail perched on some lantana. It was a beginning.  This particular morning was not that, but it had never happened before, nor since.

I got the call that my mother had fallen in September, 1999.  I got the call that she was in surgery in October and that they had simply opened her up, saw what was there and then closed her. I got in my car and drove to a meeting and promptly got into an accident when a non-English-speaking Hispanic man signaled left, turned in that direction and then promptly turned right making a mess of the left side of my car as I attempted to pass him on the right.  I got to my 5:30PM AA meeting late and frazzled, but I got there. I must have shared something, but I don’t remember specifics, which was and is not unusual for me.  Yet everything else was feeling strange and cold.  Distant.  Even other people’s voices directed at me were more like the trombonesque mutterings of a Charlie Brown cartoon.

I had been working with Alan Albert for about two years by this time and we were just beginning to execute phase I of TRT — Trauma Resolution Therapy — a program developed by Craig Carson working with military veterans out of Houston, Texas. It was pioneering work in the field at that time, but my mother had done “pioneering” work of her own for the fields of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Thorazine and the use of Lithium Carbonate to control her mood swings.  None of these modalities worked and towards the end of her life her mood swings drove her to do incredibly irresponsible and traumatizing things to herself and others, especially her children.  Her mania was “controlled” by medications that left her with massively debilitating Tardive Dyskinesia, but it was either live with these side effects or burn her house to the ground. 

She did both.

Whatever “pioneering” work the Nazis had done during the 1940’s in the Death Camps needed alot of tuning, and who better than poor immigrants from Oklahoma, like my mother, to do the dirty work of “modern” psychiatry. As far as Medicine was concerned, my mother was a lost cause; a chronic, terminal alcoholic with many sad stories to tell and a penchant for creating more through the simple act of breathing air into her lungs.  Whether she was a borderline personality, a narcissist, a sociopath or a psychopath, no one would say.  It was just so tragically bad no one discussed it openly around children and I never found out the pathetic nature of my mother’s condition until I was 30, newly sober, and my older sister figured it was as good a time as any to let me in on a “little” secret.  But it was hardly a secret by this time as not a single woman I had been involved with up to and including my current partner in crime was what anyone would call, “normal.” Suicidal, despondent, victimized, viciously antagonistic and vindictive were the women I had my pick of.  The only ones I could be seen in public with were the narcissists because they could at least fake emotional health to keep apace with my personal sideshow.  So whatever secret my sisters had been keeping from me was out, conclusion-first, and I had the domestic violence and stalking incidents, and their markers, all over the history I was repeating, incident by incident, with Alan.  He looked on all of it and made his emotional feedback as clear and consistent as daylight: “I’m feeling fear, anger, regret, resentment, vulnerable, violated, discounted, misunderstood, ashamed, excited and overwhelmed.  Deep shame.”  It was a limited palette to be sure, but not a one had I ever associated with my own history. Feelings had been plucked clean from my vocabulary and nervous system to be stored in my subconscious where the damage it had done and was doing was incalculable. But soon this history became my history.  I could own it.  I could begin to understand the information that Ben Jealous’ father Fred was trying to communicate to me and through me years before: “you have been wounded and have been attempting to limp through a human life as a fresh daisy when you are more like a burn victim attempting to outshine a misshapen, outward appearance with razzle-dazzle and a social aplomb you do not have, nor should you.”  Apparently I had been recording and storing a complete alternative history of my life, waiting for a moment when it might come in handy.  An emergency or something.

Perhaps this was it.

There were flowers and folding chairs placed in three neat rows of seven.  We had wheeled my mother’s casket out from the attached funeral home and placed it over her gravesite under the cover of temporary shelter.  A magnolia tree under which she would rest was promised, but not present, and her mother, the grandmother whose name I had shouted out in my gestalt psychodrama with the men in Fred Jealous’ men’s group, was making a scene of being late, overweight, and overburdened by misfortune.  I instantly felt resentment.  “This isn’t about you, Leota.  This is about my mother who ran to you, my baby sister and I in tow, countless times over the usual, and divorce-worthy, offenses my father had committed against us.  Your response was always the same: hit him in the pocketbook, men are pigs and let me tell you a story.” But I was beginning to see a different history pop out in front of me with every mutter, every groan and every “help me, Butch,” that was delaying the start of my mother’s funeral.  I was startled by my new feelings. I was startled by any feelings that weren’t rage or sadness, actually, I just never expected or anticipated that I would feel this annoyance and antipathy towards my maternal grandmother.  My mother’s funeral would be the last place I would have guessed these feelings could come out.  How in the hell could I have seen this coming five years ago?  Holy shit!

My mentors in AA had told me that more would be revealed, but how many other lies had I been telling myself just to square my family’s story with my own?  How much alcohol did it take until I could adopt the victimization and misfortune of their histories as my own, and keep from vomiting it all back up?

What was coming into focus, as each trauma was reconciled with Alan, was that I had been throwing up all over my new friends in Texas all along, friends who dutifully told me to keep coming back and to focus on the feelings of others.  “Blah, blah, blah,” I thought.  “If you only understood my story,” I would counter inside my head, and then quickly chide myself to hush.

Also new was that I was beginning to lose dear friends with whom I had felt the comfort of connection. I was feeling disloyal, but I had to be true to myself now, too.  Their behavior was either inappropriate, abusive or insensitive and I wasn’t going to be shouted down or accommodating towards behavior that I was feeling injured by, or that I could see was injuring to others.  I wasn’t just listening and reacting any longer, I was listening, hearing and responding.  I was feeling like a whole person and, frankly, I was liking it.  I could choose the time and place for any and all confrontations.

“They,” however, were not liking it, not one bit.  Mostly at work, I was finding myself acting passive aggressively towards authority figures and getting upset when they would retaliate.  My moods were becoming increasingly depressed and disconnected.  Those feelings of peaceful assurance, comfort and posthumous connection at my paternal grandmother’s funeral years before were vacant at my own mother’s “celebration” of life.  I had no idea whom she really was, I only knew bits and pieces of her story, in spite of feeling deeply connected to her and her life.  I knew she was a sick person who could never seem to get well, but I would be damned if I would allow anyone else to tell me her story in their own words.  They had no right to generalize or smear her memory, making it into something sullen or unworthy.  How dare you!

The pastor who presided over the post-funeral memorial was not amused. Should I be surprised that a fundamentalist evangelical pastor steeped in the unerring Word of God would annoy me to the point of exasperation?  Give me that damn microphone, stooge!  I was done being quick to see where religious people were right. This monologue of horror was not going to be a part of my mother’s memorial unchallenged.

The Shelby Fight that dates back to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars had rendered me powerless and void of any other options.

This was a very strange emotional response regarding the memories of my mother whom I had spent a great deal of energy during this time resenting the hell out of.  Resenting her for setting my father up to fail, manipulating all of us into feeling sorry for her lot in life.  Meanwhile, no one else in the family could get any attention for being as ill, or sicker, than she was.  The self centeredness of her condition had been sickening, indeed.  Up until this time, I had blamed my father for all of this dysfunction, in concert with my mother, as if he could have brought salvation to a table that even medical science had abandoned to a proverbial junk pile of complaints thought to be the mutterings of the mentally ill.  I could finally feel compassion for my father whom I had left for dead, for some reason, for as long as I could remember.  I was never a good enough son, and yet I still labored for him, and was beginning to feel like he might actually be proud of me, like I might actually be bringing something important to the altar of his life.  While I had treated him so harshly out of loyalty to my mother, the only “gift” this loyalty had ever afforded me was an unconscious drive to jump down the throats of the women in my life whomsoever dared to utter a discouraging word towards me or at my behavior.  Given my epigenetic or genetic predilection, this had amounted to a great deal of conflict, agitation and suffering. But this is my story, now, and all aspects and people who operate within it are sacred to me.  Tread lightly and gently or face the wrath of the almighty “What’s Left of Greg.”  Whoever that was, is or will be.

Phase I of TRT took me the longest of the five years I spent vomiting all over Alan.  There were laughter and tears, but Alan was also prescribed a sulfa drug by the Veterans Administration the reaction to which rendered his pancreas null and void.  Or maybe it was Stage II Diabetes all along, I do not know.  What I do know is the man absorbed much of the toxic content of my miserable existence, digested it and fed it back to me in a form that helped me make sense of it all.  At some point in the process and the unfolding of my own health issues, I no longer felt like Jesus, himself, had flicked a booger that stuck to my forehead most of my life.  I felt many, if not all, of my missing emotions.  As a result, thoughts and insights were coming to me that were long dormant.  More was being revealed just as my AA friends had promised.

The first was an absolute disgust with the narcissism of authority figures.  That I was working for one was not lost on me and my direct confrontation of his behavior against a former, less narcissistic, boss had inflamed my misdirected passion.  Now that narcissist was coming after me.  We had won the Texas Quality Award, as a company, and the Malcolm Baldrige Award, too, but it was no thanks to this self-satisfied sower of derision and division.  Or so I thought.

The thing about hypothyroidism and a concomitant mood disorder is everything is steeped in this dark and foreboding background.  Whether it truly is so or not, the normal response is to get into the light as quickly as possible, not turn around and fight a buzzsaw much larger than one’s self.

But that was not the lesson my mother had taught me over the years, nor was it a lesson in keeping with my Ukrainian DNA.  We simply fight, especially if we are outgunned, because we are in the right.  What is right and just must be the good whether it is for the best, or not.  The war, and the battle, is to make what is the good become what is best.  Bringing this mentality into absolutely every battle, no matter how petty and small, should logically force the good to come to pass.  But even if this was the case, I was not seeing this conclusion bear any fruit. And yet I persevered. Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

When one earnestly believes that they can make substitute with perseverance what they lack in skill, there is absolutely no end to what they cannot do.  Life lesson numero uno.

And so it was that I quit this job in the banking services industry after two years and went back into educational testing, albeit under a substantially disadvantaged condition…my ego was back in charge.  In its way of seeing spiritual matters, its deft construction and sturdy constitution had proven sturdy enough to finish TRT, instill a conscious, palpable fear of death over a job well done and now it was given a chance to manage other human beings.  Seven senior programmer analysts in a field in which my ego had had a not-inconsequential thirteen years of battle-hardened expertise; in getting the job done, not making believe that I was getting the job done.  That this ego of mine still wanted the pelts of backward, Theory X managers on its own wall dripping dry of blood and oil was just a minor detail and not something to deter further ambition.

For me, when ambition is not deterred, it winds up being detoured and within a year of being promoted to one of several new managers with a number of successes under my belt, I, and the manager who was thoughtful enough to hire me, were asked to leave the premises.  With or without security’s assistance, the choice was mine.  “How kind of you,” I thought.

I wanted blood, I wanted death to my enemies, I wanted everything but to accept that what I was enduring was some pale, neutral form of justice.  My friends took my firearms from my home and kept me close to their thoughts as I fell completely apart at, yep, you guessed it, thirteen years of sobriety. 

Actually the fall — the deadman’s drop, really — began at 11 years, but it took two more years before my bottom was complete and my neck had begun its final snap.  I was selling cable, television and phone for a criminal organization whose name rhymed with “Crimewarner,” and found myself nearly losing my mind with zero adjusted gross income for this most auspicious of years.  I was  learning much that my college diploma was supposed to have defended me from, but I had gone deaf in the three years from trap door  to final destination.  The battering and the choking over the tragedies of 9/11/2001, and the conclusions I had to reach about those events, left much for me to uncoil.  While all the war profiteers were making money hand over fist, I was left losing my ass, as were many others.  At one point on the south side of San Antonio near dusk, the following conversation took place.

“Would you like me to show you how you can save money with cable and phone?”

“Are jew chure jew should be on dis sida town afta dark, heuro?”

Undeterred, I pressed forward. “We have a 59 dollar special going on for one more day.”

“I knows some peepul who would chute chew for feefty-eight dollahs.”

“Do you have their address?”

Obviously I hadn’t heard a damn word people were saying to me, much less processed it for actual meaning.  My unconscious was crying out for death by any means necessary. I could not believe what my eyes were telling me was happening. On that note, I was in luck as no one else’s eyes were telling them anything believable, either. Study the nightly newscast videotapes, if they still exist, from about 1998 through 2005 or 6.  Listen carefully and you will understand what I heard and it was nothing about what everyone could plainly see with their lying eyes.

I do not know what other people do when they are left twisting at the end of a rope, but I decided my friends were probably right, after all, and I should invest in myself.  Start that graduate studies program in Communication and the Interwebs because, hell, I’m just hanging out here, anyway, twisting in the breeze.

The ill wind just kept blowing for what seemed to be months, but it was actually weeks.  And right at the moment where all hope was gone and economic death seemed imminent, a miracle took place.  Something I did not deserve, something I was not entitled to claim, something I did not, and could not have, earned of myself and all my ego’s hard work.  It just appeared because one other person believed in me as much, if not more, than I had believed in myself.

My AA sponsor, Jim Wiley, called me up to his one bedroom flat at the local home for seniors who preferred the freedom to die, and the possibility of dying, from having one last orgasm.  It was a well appointed nine story building with three distinct wings wrapped inside of what would have passed for a Disney “Tomorrowland” sort of building, circa 1957.  The downstairs entryway was always a polished black marble, with several marble and brass appointments that I never paid close attention to because I was entering the building either in a hurry to pick Jim up for a meeting, or my ass was on fire and I was looking for some help putting it out.  This day it was the latter, but most importantly, Jim had initiated the abatement.

The elevator smelled of rust and mold like all big buildings do after 20 years of placing a non-profit, non-religious organization in charge of its upkeep.  Apparently it takes the fear or love of God to do more than the perfunctory dusting, vacuuming and sanitization that is required in most states of the US.  Inevitably, the ventilation ducts carry the secrets of decline and collective grief of a gift wrapped senior living “warehouse.”

“Hi, Jim,” I recall uttering as I opened the door at his behest.  He sat on the far side of the room by the window with a magnificent view of both the parking lot and the skyline of the north side of San Antonio, just inside of Loop 410.

“Come here and sit down across from me,” he said, touching the sofa across from his red upholstered  barcalounger.  This of course forced me to view the photograph of his getting blessed by John Paul II on my way to the red love seat.  “How are you feeling today,” he asked, somewhat rhetorically.

“Well, Jim, I’m about to get fired for not making enough sales in my job selling door to door.  Last night they were calling on top of my route with their telephone sales reps to limit my on-the-ground productivity.  They have me shadowed by my manager, further adding pressure.  But on a positive note, UTSA accepted my application for Graduate School in Communication.  I just don’t know how I’ll pay for it since I can’t collect unemployment and grants aren’t structured to pay living expenses.”

“Sounds like you need a miracle,” Jim added, forlornly, noting the time on his wristwatch he almost never wore.

We just stared at each other in the eyes as we often did when there wasn’t any more to be said.  Within a few moments, Jim’s cellphone rang.  He asked me to pick it up for him, which I did.

“Hello,” Jim asked.  “It’s for you,” he said, giving me his cellphone.

I don’t remember much of that phone call other than Jim wanted me to believe that it was a God-thing.  A miracle.  I was scheduled for an interview with a local consulting company that had ties with local millionaires and at the behest, most likely, of a local billionaire, war hero and visible owner of a local professional sports organization. From that day, forward, my life would be rescued from the garbage pile of overly ambitious programmers who dared to work their program and stay sober in spite of their best efforts to destroy themselves.

It would have taken a local billionaire with considerable influence to employ an IT developer who had been out of the profession for some three years.  I was just twisting in the breeze, rotting inside a husk of my former self.  I had been black-balled in town just as my former employer had promised nearly a decade prior, when I dared cross the threshold of HIS company with less than an enthusiastic embrace of a work ethic not duplicated anywhere except maybe Silicon Valley, or a southern plantation, but for astronomically smaller compensation or promise.  A retired college professor in the AA program told me after I explained my 13 year journey in educational testing, that the reason why the fights in the Academy are so vicious is because, “the stakes are so low.” While I cannot say that ensuring a consistent primary education across the country is of little consequence, I do not think there are any parents reading this tome who would suggest that the K-12 public education system in the United States is “world class.”  Clearly that “industry” needs more than I, or any of my considerably talented colleagues, could give it.

I could go on and on about my life after this seminal moment in my thirty years of sobriety, and I will at another time, but I’ve said more than enough to illustrate how desperate an alcoholic can be  at twelve years abstinent, and the importance of the love of the people we get to know in Alcoholics Anonymous.  The miracle isn’t just that we come and stick around; it is not even that we come to believe, together, in a power greater than ourselves who loves us until we can love ourselves and each other.  The miracle is, also, that we freely choose to keep going,  to keep believing,  to keep trying to shoulder the burdens of our ancestors and of a world that is, quite often, beneath our lowest, most reasonable, expectations.  We do this out of love for this AA outfit and we do it for us.  Alcoholics Anonymous is about us.  Not you, not me, not even of any one group you might call “home.”  It is about our love and belief in the 12 Steps of AA, the 12 Traditions of AA and the giants on whose shoulders each and every one of us stands to tell the world, “Yes.  Yes, there is a solution to all of your problems.”  A loving God placed that solution right on top of my problem so that anyone at a complete loss could find it.  He placed the steps of the program in order so any simpleton could work them, and even numbered them for intellectuals like me.  And yet, I was so busy trying to look outside of myself for the magic of salvation from alcohol that I missed the obvious fact that a loving God does not hide what is earnestly sought after. Alcoholics Anonymous is about us  ̶ we, the afflicted  ̶ who somehow found the power in our powerlessness to become willing to be honest with ourselves.  And my experience has proven to me that fear of people is absolutely linked to my fear of economic insecurity, or even the whispers that still seem to come from behind all those pretty bottles.

Why I Lie

I am tired of race and the sticking of pigs
Of dogmatic answers and Trumpian digs
Choosing instead the remains of the day
As I stare about blankly with nothing to say
I could drool like this for hours
My presence unfelt
Because truth left unsuspended
Leaves nonsense undealt
Which is probably why
So much has been said
Of the spying of spies
And the shaking of heads
Truth needs no warriors
While lies consume legions.

We Know Joe Like We Don’t Know Ourselves

Joe Biden is a BillaryBot just as was Trump

Not everyone will understand the skulduggery that has invaded Washington, DC; they simply believe and accept that it is not a place for simple people to congregate and expect to redress their grievances against their government.  It no longer is their government, the American People no longer have one of those.  What the American People have, today, is an oligarchy.  This means that a cabal of rich, self-entitled fucktards dictate our domestic and foreign policies TO us, we pay for their wealth AND we are on the hook for ALL of it.

Let me see if I can focus that last point and make it clearer.

You, dear reader and John Q. Citizen of the US of A, are psychologically, emotionally, financially, politically and, if you believe in it, spiritually on the hook for everything the United States Government has done in your name.  That means Wounded Knee and the massacre of tens of millions of indigenous people and their subsequent deprivation; that means Frank Olsen who in 1953 was thrown out of a 13th floor hotel window in New York City because he did not agree that the United States Government should ever do to the world what the Nazis of Germany had just got through doing in 1945; that means terminal interrogations of innocent men, women and children — alone and in front of each other; that means the assassination of every US President who has ever suffered an assassin’s bullet; the widespread destruction of every left wing, socialist or thinking person’s government from the late 19th century, onward; the suicides of men ruined in Wall Street’s games of chance as controlled by the Bankers and Banking Families who see to the dispatch of hundreds of millions of people too innocent, too stupid or too virtuous to get out of the way of an Empire of Diabolical proportions; and, that means the suffering and losses of your children, grandchildren and the people you love and trust.  All on you, John Q. Citizen, because you uncritically swallowed every goddamned lie this country’s media machines ever told you or raised you to believe.  And you will pay, first with your dignity, then your integrity and then with the lives of the people you love; finally with your own life as the dystopian nightmare of Aldous Huxley oozes out before your very eyes.


My First Valentine


My love songs won’t be in perfect meter or rhyme
or even make much sense from time to time
but they will be honest and be true
as only love songs can be
from me to you.

I am a peculiar man who has been gifted
sometimes not when I have drifted
but always grateful to have found my way to you.

Rose petals on the floor
await for you behind a door
within a home made whole
for all to see
in all the love you give
from you to me.

So kiss me once and maybe twice
the sweetness lingers
a special spice
has found its way to us
unlike any I have known before.

Charter for the Establishment of Second Amendment Groups

The Second Amendment

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” US Constitution.

Primary Purpose of Charter and of Second Amendment Groups

The primary purpose of this Charter is to keep the Second Amendment of the US Constitution a working part of our collective strategy for the free and democratic governance of the United States of America, en perpetuity.


“The case for Insanity is very strong among the insane.” Anonymous

A number of US Supreme Court decisions in recent years have called into question the juris prudence tradition of the US Justice System. Racial statistics have proven that the US Justice System does not guarantee the right of a fair trial to all Americans regardless of race.

The outcome of Bush v. Gore in the national election of the year 2000 made plain that the Supreme Court, itself, could become tainted and readily subverted to accomplish the goals and objectives of precisely those persons, or types of persons and entities, the Founding Fathers of the US Government wished to protect our fledgling Republic from.

In the case of Citizens United, the US Supreme Court ruled that fiat currency, a currency sold to the US Government to mitigate debts public and private by a private interest (i.e., the Federal Reserve) can be considered, “speech,” as used in the US Constitution, and, therefore, restricting the use of currency in the electoral process was, in effect, determined to be an unconstitutional limit of the freedom of speech of certain US persons. The Court further ruled, in violation of its own traditions of juris prudence, that corporations could be US Citizens, leaving the US electoral process completely and arbitrarily at the mercy of large concentrations of wealth represented by corporations owned either by US Citizens, or by citizens of foreign countries.

This act by the Court, of course, completely obliterated the notion of national sovereignty, leaving only the barest edifice of a democratic republic left for some later tyrant to knock completely to the ground.

All these shortcomings and others make plain that the entire suite of rights which defined the United States of America as a nation are no longer the operating documents upon which the soundness of our government is based.

We, the chartered members of any Second Amendment Group in good standing, have therefore come to understand that our present US Government is unsound.

Therefore, those of us who believe in the integrity of the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and in the soundness of the US Constitution as an operating document for good governance, find it necessary to declare that, in particular, the Second Amendment of the US Constitution can no longer be completely entrusted to any branch of the US Government to interpret, protect, defend or otherwise adjudicate. Furthermore, we, the chartered members of a network of autonomous Second Amendment Groups, have found it necessary to subscribe to the idea that we, ourselves, outside of state, local, federated or federal government control or adjudication, can use this Charter to preserve, protect and defend the Second Amendment of the US Constitution from those who would lead the citizens of the United States down the road to autocratic, oligarchic tyranny.

The plan, then, is to use this charter to accomplish the primary purpose of keeping the Second Amendment of the US Constitution a working part of our collective strategy for democratic governance of the United States of America, en perpetuity. No other purpose is intended or implied, nor should any responsibility for the successful implementation and deployment of this primary purpose be entrusted to any proxy but the chartered individuals of each autonomous Second Amendment Group (SAG).

We, the chartered members of any SAG in good standing, alone, are responsible for adhering to the recommended standards of weapons competence, ownership and militia regulation contained in this Charter.

A Second Amendment Group’s Relationship With Government

Sound Government Interactions

Lawful, non-partisan actions taken by a local or more federated authority that can be demonstrated to be in the service of the general welfare either through preponderance of the evidence (most-trustworthy) or through appeals to common sense (less-trustworthy than actual data), can safely be considered “sound government interactions.” No SAG should be found to be in opposition to a Sound Government Interaction and still be considered a SAG in good standing.

SAG’s, whether individually or in any collective grouping of SAG’s, should never accept “promotion of the general welfare” as an adequate argument in demonstration of sound government interaction. If a government cannot make fact-based, data-driven decisions in service to the common welfare, no SAG in good standing has any requirement to yield to an unsound government interaction.

SAG’s in good standing are required to yield to all government interactions found, or classified, as “sound.”

Steps to Declare a Government or Authority Unsound

Unsound government interactions are inherently insane, in service to the idea of government as a corporate-like entity in service, ultimately, only to itself and its own perpetuation.

Interactions with sound governments are inherently simple, common-sense and free from the encumbrances of long-winded, complex, litigious and costly processes. If any of these encumbrances are present in a government interaction, one or more unsound governmental practices are at work either blatantly or behind-the-scenes.

If the government, or entity of questionable soundness, acknowledges its own insanity formally, in writing and made publicly known to the point of common knowledge among the general public, a SAG can be temporarily blocked from any individual or collective SAG sanction.

Once a SAG in good standing has declared an interaction with a government or federated entity to be unsound, it must announce that fact to other SAG’s and to the governmental agencies or authorities who are directly impacted by this finding.

This declaration of unsoundness need only be done once with proof of receipt from other SAG organizations.

Proof of receipt from the entity found to be operating in an unsound manner is preferred, but not specifically required for obvious reasons.

  1. Collection of relevant data for and against soundness
  2. Demonstrated examples of the consequences of unsoundness
  3. Proposed solution(s) to the entity to regain a finding of soundness
  4. A statement of the unequivocal, irrevocable steps that will be immediately undertaken as a result of this finding of unsoundness.

Interactions With Unsound Governments

From the point of declaration of unsoundness by a single SAG in good standing, it behooves that SAG to organize a collective action that is both tactically and strategically sound.

Collective actions have as their minimum result a government or federated authority that publicly to the point of common knowledge among the general public declares its own unsoundness.

All strategies and tactics that do not have as their first goal the entity’s public, common-knowledge declaration of its own unsoundness, do not represent sound strategy and tactics for dealing with unsound governments.

Beyond an entity’s demonstrated or actual refusal to declare its own unsoundness in honest and straightforward terms easily understood by the general public, no SAG and no collective group of SAGs are under a specific requirement to demonstrate civility, cooperation or honesty.

Bringing unsoundness to heel is, of course, a first goal, but endless equivocation and mendacity on the part of the unsound entity should be expected as a direct consequence of its unsound nature.

In the event of a sanction action, five percent of the population of the unsound entity should be preserved in the interest of collective historical data and any future findings of unsoundness on the part of either the sanctioning SAG or the entity sanctioned. Choose the survivors of a sanction as wisely as possible, but make no mistake: sanctioning is serious business and human beings will die as a direct result of a finding of unsoundness by a SAG and a subsequent strategic and tactical action undertaken by a SAG collective.

The case for insanity is very strong among the insane, so mincing words or practicing outright dishonesty with a SAG or its collective by any outside group or authority will be discouraged through the use of lethal force as a last resort following a declaration of unsoundness.

Once all preparations are made to include the number of survivors of a sanction, a sanction will be carried out that preserves as many SAG members as possible and only the number of those survivors decided at the outset of the sanction. Everyone else is to be considered acceptable collateral damage.

The target of a sanction must be the source of the unsoundness within the entity targeted, first and foremost.

All support entities in service to the unsoundness must also be destroyed. This is includes all communication, transportation or information resource entities to include tangible targets. If the unsound entity retains a defensive militia of any sort in service to its unsoundness, eighty-percent of that militia should be destroyed.

Interaction with unsound governments or governmental authorities is a practice of unsoundness in the first place, so limiting the number of interactions with these insane actors is important, as well as making these interactions as unequivocal and of as high a quality as possible.

Killing is a bitter business and it is our own ethical conduct when carrying out sanctions against insane actors that preserves the human mind from the inevitable consequences of sacrificing human lives for the survival of the Second Amendment as a viable instrument of human civilization.

A Second Amendment Group’s Relationship With Other Militias

Sound Militia Interactions

Promotion of the general, common welfare can never be the basis of a sound interaction with any entity be it governmental, quasi-governmental or individual. One either knows what the general welfare is and serves it, or one is without bearings. If a significant amount of an entity’s appeal rests in “promotion,” it is to be regarded with utmost caution and concern. Promotion is veiled force, plain and simple, so not all cards are on the table or known by promoter or the target audience.

Service to the general welfare is a fact-based, fact-finding enterprise and cannot be left to mere chance encounters among entities like other militias or governmental organizations. Therefore, two entities looking to interact on the basis of mutual trust and respect must first be willing and able to engage one another using methods and processes known by the general public and determined by content experts to be in the set of “best practices” for any particular praxis of entity to entity interactions.

Since the number and kind of “axes” of entity to entity interaction has yet to be delineated or fully known at this time, the basic principles for determining “soundness” must begin with “ability to determine soundness,” and “willingness to determine soundness.” If an entity is neither willing, nor able to determine the soundness of its own internal interactions, it cannot be expected to be a sound partner for entity to entity interactions; therefore trust across militias would be impossible to achieve. Peaceful, respectful absorption of the unsound militia by the sound one is a “sound” interaction at this point. The only other sound interaction at this point in the analysis would be to terminate further interaction as a militia to another militia until such time as the potential militia becomes able to willingly and soundly engage in mutual fact-finding.

Symptoms of inability or unwillingness to determine the soundness of internal interactions must be analyzed, cataloged and used as the sole determining factor in assessing a militia’s internal soundness both now and in future cases. This catalog of symptoms of unsoundness, whether they be due to inability or unwillingness, must be in-use internal measures of soundness in the assessing militia before they can be projected outward to interactions between or across entities or other militias.

Once a common set of symptoms of unsoundness across entities is complete and analysis has produced a general agreement across entities, the process of both militias working together with mutual trust and respect, as well as moving forward together to develop as individuals and groups can be considered, “sound enough,” to progress into other measures and axes of militia compatibility and evidence gathering to further determine soundness of interactions across militias. The production of trustworthy data for further, future analysis and application is a key behavior inherent in militia or entity, “soundness.”

The goal of soundness in intra and inter-militia interactions is to maximize peaceful, respectful, trust-building interactions while at the same time maximizing effectiveness and efficiency as a militia. With these two axes of measurement at optimal levels, sound interactions between people and organizations would be maximized and maximum peace, it is believed, would be the order of every day.

Some would believe, in the absence of historical evidence or competent analysis, that the mere presence of any militia is an a priori indication of unsoundness be it in a government, an organization or a militia. The Founders of the United States found this to be untrue as it was clear then, as now, that organized behavior frequently becomes unsound and will then utilize criminal means to right itself. While this tendency is absurd on its face – the use of criminality to correct the behavior of an organization that has become unsound in its daily or regular operations – it is, nevertheless, the historical norm for unsound organizations, hence the emphasis on obtaining and maintaining inter-organizational, organizational and personal soundness. “Sanity,” would be an appropriate synonym to use in establishing any criteria for soundness of purpose or operation.

Militia Behavior Automatically Categorized As Unsound

This list is not intended to be exclusive or exhaustive, but only to serve as a foundation onto which will be poured other criteria that will increase the granularity of the focus on soundness without reducing in any relevant manner the basic principles of soundness seen as the opposite behaviors or observations contained herein.

1. A cult of personality wherein individual loyalty to persons is valued above individual commitment to operating according to best practices or the principles derived from best practices. A gang, an angry mob or any organization ruled by a single charismatic leader or core would be examples of militias or organizations where personalities rule above principled, justifiable actions backed up by sound data gathering principles and analysis.

2. An unwillingness by the militia to adopt the principles and methods necessary to soundly gather and analyze relevant measurements of soundness of and within the militia.

3. A disability, perhaps measured by a relative unwillingness within the militia, to soundly obtain and soundly analyze the measures of an effective and efficient militia operation. This could also be demonstrated through multiple observations of behavior within the operating militia where distrust, disrespect or disorder in data gathering are made in a brief, but reasonably sound, period of time.

4. Observed repeated failures to act on the sound analysis of observed measurements. Either a measurement discriminates too little or too much, or the measurement measures nothing of relevance towards the perpetuation of sound militia operations and interactions. In any case, documented actions should be taken to resolve any unsound practices, measures or methods and that documentation should be observable to at least the general militia population.

5. Lack of openness regarding the data or analysis of that data that is related to militia effectiveness or efficiency. Some individual measurements of soundness may well require privacy unless or until a challenge to those findings or their relevance is made public.

6. Reliance on secrecy in the conduct of day to day operations either inside or across militias. Prudent discretion is not secrecy, but indiscretion and its effects can be clearly measured, analyzed and reconciled to arrive at sound information and data policies. Cause and effect chains can and should be mapped and understood before any attempt is made to censure or declare an individual or militia unsound.

7. Armed conflict should not be construed to be a daily, routine operation for any militia. Reliance on conflict so as to preserve a climate of secrecy within or across militias is an unsound militia practice.

8. An inadequate administrative function such that decisionmaking authority for the militia or organization is unclear or obscure. More principles should be gathered as data becomes available to form a set of best practices in the operation and maintenance of a “sound militia.”

Interactions With Unsound Militias

Unsounds militias, by definition, cannot be entrusted with a long term relationship the foundation of which is a set of simple shared values, mutual trust and mutual respect. This does not necessarily mean that all hope for a single relationship-like transaction is lost, only that it cannot be expected to be fulfilled.

Every SAG can and should have its own set of rules for dealing with these sorts of organizations depending upon the size or level of asymmetry that exists between the SAG and the unsound militia in question. It is best and highly recommended that whatever policy the SAG has it should be written down, generally known and publicly available so that there can be no question as to the how and the why of any particular relationship-like transaction or the response to a successful or unsuccessful transaction. This written policy should include the trust-steps that the unsound militia must take before a change in classification from unsound to sound can take place. A network of militias is only as good as its weakest link, so any steps necessary to requalify a militia as sound need to bear in mind that the integrity of the entire Second Amendment Group movement is at risk when either the qualifications process or its documentation for auditing purposes is out of accord with best practices.

Before any defensive or offensive actions can be taken against any organization or militia, that organization or militia must be determined to be unsound. Once that determination is made and the steps to requalify as sound, as well as the reasons for the declaration of unsoundness have been made clear to that unsound organization or militia, these facts must be communicated to at least one other SAG capable of joining in an action against an unsound militia or organization.

Once an agreement to engage in offensive or defensive maneuvers against an unsound entity are made with at least one other SAG, it is a matter of strategy, tactics, time and resources as far as when such actions should take place. The only obligation a SAG has to an unsound entity is to provide a proven, best practice-based, documented and auditable path out of the declaration of unsoundness by the SAG making the determination. Once the SAG has begun the process of organizing collective actions for or against an unsound entity, that path is subject to the dictates of the larger collective, not the individual SAG. So it is absolutely essential that for most offensive or defensive collective actions, the SAG network involved should be of sufficient size to meet a reasonable expectation of mission success. The larger collective not included in the originating collective consensus building activities cannot be held accountable for the failure of the missions of the smaller collective. Therefore the onus for contingency planning must be on the organizing collective of SAGs choosing to take collective actions.

The vast majority of unsound militias or entities should present no threat to the existence of any SAG or network of SAGs. If, however, it has been determined via affidavit, legal instrument or other reliable evidence that a SAG does have reason to believe it is under threat by an unsound militia or entity, collective action must be initiated and organized. It is a matter of organizational commitment and pride in the SAG movement for other SAGs to come together in unity of purpose and mission to counter the impending threat to the viability of any one SAG by an unsound entity.

The documentation and traceability of the process of escalation between the SAGs and unsound entities may seem cumbersome, but it is absolutely essential both in terms of maintaining a suite of best practices and in terms of garnering support with sound non-SAG entities with whom a SAG or SAG collective might partner. We must share values of transparency within the SAG movement and with sound non-SAG entities to the maximum extent possible. When a SAG collective has made a decision to engage in collective action, it should come to be universally understood that serious, sometimes lethal consequences, are sure to follow at a time and place of the SAG collective’s own choosing. At this time it is believed that the level of qualifications in terms of marksmanship and organization required to become a SAG in good standing is sufficiently rigorous that no entity, sound or unsound, would wisely choose to threaten the existence or viability of any SAG group.

A Second Amendment Group’s Relationship With Noncombatants

The United Nations has a very loose definition of noncombatant that could easily place a SAG member engaged in a collective action under threat of loss of life. Therefore, if a SAG member is actively engaged in an armed collective action, any civilian or known combatant brandishing a weapon of lethal or disabling force, cannot be considered a noncombatant. All combatants in a theatre where lethal force is to be employed under any rule of engagement can be killed without any resulting sanction from any SAG group.

A noncombatant is any civilian or member of a sound entity not brandishing a weapon of lethal or disabling force. If any such weapon exists on or near the person of such a noncombatant, their dropping it to the ground and/or raising their hands above their head is to be strictly construed as noncombatant, non-lethal, non-brandishing behavior. Therefore such individuals are to be considered and treated as noncombatants.

Good to excellent relations with noncombatants must be maintained by a SAG and its membership in order to retain a classification of soundness. While mission success has top priority for a SAG or collective, if a SAG has a written policy and plan for dealing with noncombatants the reasonable purpose of which is maintaining good to excellent relations prior to engagement in a mission, no finding of unsoundness against a SAG or a member is possible unless those policies and procedures were not followed by the SAG or its member(s).

It would be unsound and unreasonable to expect that an unsound opponent in armed conflict would not seek to use noncombatants in a scheme designed to injure, disable or kill a SAG member or collective. Therefore it is essential that every decision to engage in armed conflict with an opponent include a reasonable plan for evacuation of noncombatants to a geographically identifiable DMZ (demilitarized zone) where their lives and health can be preserved during hostilities. Prior to or during engagement with noncombatants, the location of this DMZ must be made known. Included in the plan must be reasonable and adequate plans for evacuation to the DMZ so that a maximum number of noncombatants cannot be used by unsound opponents as human shields or traps. With these plans in place and the procedures followed, no finding of unsoundness is possible even if relations with noncombatants slip below the threshold of “good relations” as a result of armed engagements.

A Second Amendment Group’s Relationship With Itself

Sanity and soundness, which sound like pipedreams in the world we have engineered for ourselves, are absolutely essential characteristics to identify, develop and maintain for ourselves. These are not just the foundational elements of good character to be actively pursued by monks, priests and people who no longer work for a living, but the bedrock upon which we build a functional relationship with ourselves and, by extension, each other.

Insanity, emotional illness or mental disease develop because we adopt and practice unsound principles with which to live our lives. For too long now we have allowed ourselves to be told by figures of authority how we should live, what we should think, how we should feel and what we should do. This is complete nonsense. Any governing body, organization or militia that seeks to manage the lives of its citizens or members is spending too much time trying to run individual lives and no time demonstrating how following proper principles of self-governance can be the model that sane people would freely choose to accept and adopt into their own lives.

How we do any one thing is how we will do everything. Remember that saying and watch its truth unfold before you as you watch the wasteful become wasted and the arrogant become humiliated.

If we are methodical in our approach (1), precise in following the principles we believe will work (2), honest with ourselves and others about our results (3) and generous about sharing what we find and have found (4), we cannot fail to be attractive those who want to live peaceful, worthwhile lives. If our relationship with ourselves is not well, our treatment of others according to these principles of methodology, precision, honesty and generosity will begin to alter our unhealthy relationship with ourselves. If our relationships with others have been unhealthy, our continued willingness to believe in and practice these four core principles will begin to bear fruit and fences will mend between neighbors.

But make no mistake, if we have no principles to guide us back to health, we will become sick, get sicker, infect others with our sicknesses and our relationship with ourselves and others will shear into tatters and blow away in the winds of change. We did not come into this world to leave it in worse condition than we found it, nor is it sound to strive to become so unhealthy that others may take pity on us and we ensnare them in our little games of cat and mouse, victim and perpetrator or enabler and abuser. So sanity and soundness are not just goals for us, but a way of life that we must insist on from ourselves and in our relations with others.

Obviously our species is not stable at present. We fight amongst ourselves over power or resources of one kind or other and those among us who are equipped to fight without mercy or ruth have bubbled and clawed their way to top of the social pyramid in many circles. As human beings capable of empathy and compassion for our fellows, we cannot allow ourselves to be manipulated, coerced or cajoled into accepting the pathetic terms offered to us by the narcissist or the psychopath. These individuals are not fully human, not capable of conscience or regret and unworthy of our deepest and finest sentiments towards ourselves.

This state of affairs is precisely why we must become well trained in the maintenance and deployment of martial weaponry. It is not because we crave conflict or war, but because we do not wish to have it thrust upon us by the unscrupulous that we must practice, train, measure, improve and train others to do the same.

Not everyone can wield a weapon in battle effectively. Some would do well to avoid battlefield stress entirely. But every member of a group can contribute mightily when our communal goal is to establish a comradeship and affinity where the whole becomes greater than the sum of its many parts. There are many tasks required to fulfill our four core principles and the burden should be shared with the understanding that not everyone will seen as equal contributors to the success of a SAG. But too often ambition to have more than others subdues the ambition to be of service to the health of the overall community. Without the fellowship of a healthy SAG, we will become separated and will become a house divided against itself. Without unity of purpose and commitment to our SAG and the principles on which all SAGs are based, we will spend the rest of our lives in a footrace against centers of power and corruption that would seek to enslave us, our children and our children’s children. So unity at the SAG level is, at a minimum, a first priority.

However, we cannot expect a single SAG to be all things to all people; people need to breathe, explore, expand and become the best person that they know how to be. The SAG Charter would be worthless if it sought to discourage individual achievement used in service to the whole. Make no mistake that is our challenge at both group and higher levels within the SAG community: how do we enable individuals to develop their ambition to serve group purposes without discouraging their willingness to do so? Some SAG’s will believe they have THE answer to this question, a one-size-fits-all approach that may or may not work. That is why SAG members need to be given the freedom to grow, branch off and flourish where they find themselves. If a single member cannot be fitted to be of service to one group, it is up to the SAG community to be of service to the individual, to discover or uncover their talents and bring those talents to bear on the problem of effective self governance. Or it is up to the SAG community to make clear who should and who should not be permitted to possess anything like the power to make life or death decisions over anyone else’s life.

So the purpose of this charter is to establish baseline minimums for functional relationships across SAG’s and to then allow, expect, encourage or even celebrate the autonomy of any single SAG. Sometimes people will need to fit themselves to the SAG Community and sometimes the SAG Community or individual group would do well to fit themselves to be of service to the individual. Flexibility and autonomy need to be at a maximum where our core principles and their derivative best practices are not directly at risk or directly involved.

Beyond these high level suggestions and recommendations, the SAG Community, as a whole, must require the following from its individual SAG’s at a minimum.

1) Compliance with the most current revision of this Charter and the group’s addendums

2) A publicly available process document compendium explaining all the group’s processes, best practice findings and measurements that prove, without confounds, the soundness of the group’s processes.

3) A minimum of 1,000 rounds of battlefield ammunition or equivalent lethal force

4) A minimum of one weapon capable of deploying the ammunition of requirement #3 down range or on the battlefield, or one person capable of neutralizing a minimum of two opponents in a life threatening situation.

5) Publicly available records demonstrating minimal competence with at least the weapon mentioned in Requirement # 3, or demonstrated ability to neutralize two opponents in a life threatening situation. Regular drills and skills test records that demonstrate that the individuals within the group continue to maintain at least minimum competence requirements.

6) Publicly available records showing any remedial steps and processes taken to adjudicate or resolve the findings of the regular measurements mentioned in requirement #5.

7) Publicly available regular meeting minutes with any subordinate action plans to include the individuals responsible for carrying out those action plans and the dates those actions are to be completed.

8) Publicly available metrics demonstrating that the SAG, as a whole, utilizes metrics gathered in good faith from the individual and group performance data to guide the SAG in its decisions and action plans, as well as develop and refine a set of best practices found in the document compendium mentioned in requirement # 2.

9) Publicly available policy processes, findings, metrics and best practices utilized in ameliorating, avoiding or resolving intra- and inter-group conflicts within and outside the SAG community

10) Maintenance of at least “good” relations within the surrounding community in which the SAG is geographically located.

11) Maintenance of a finding of soundness measured by a SAG not collocated but within the SAG community itself at least annually. All SAG’s must be found to be “sound” or they are to be placed in remediation until soundness is restored.

12) Any and all dues or fees collected from membership must be in direct service of all 12 of these requirements and for the maintenance of all bottom-up regional and nationwide SAG activities. No one member can donate or disperse more than the equivalent of $1,000 USD in any given year in support of SAG activities. Under no circumstances are there to be officers within the SAG community who accept remuneration for their service to the SAG community. We must run on a shoestring budget at all times. A minimum required Chart of Accounts ledger for SAG activities is forthcoming. All transactions relating to the SAG community, its actions and its activities must utilize these CoA account names and be conducted in standard double-entry format. Day to day activities may be conducted in bookkeeping, single-entry style, however those transactions are to be captured and balanced double-entry style at least monthly using the standardized CoA and reported at group level at least monthly. Findings of “unsoundness” can be caused by a group’s failure to stay fiscally accountable with both its local membership and the SAG Community as a whole.

A Second Amendment Group’s Relationship With Other SAGs

Starting a Second Amendment Group

If you are the rightful, authorized owner of a firearm or weapon and possess a minimum of 1,000 rounds of ammunition for that firearm or equivalent force for a weapon, you can begin the process involved in organizing a SAG.

A general distaste or resentment against the established administrative or governmental order in which you live or serve is an important motivation for becoming a SAG member.

A similiarly equipped and predisposed comrade at arms willing and able to assist in the creation, command and/or maintenance of a SAG is an absolutely essential part of forming a SAG membership.

A plan for enlisting additional support for the recruitment of additional membership, firearms, weapons, ammunition and implementing the recommended systems of control arising out of this Second Amendment movement and this living Charter.